Sunday, January 6, 2008

Happy New Year's Day or Was it?

I wish one and all a very happy new year. I hope this new year would continue to amaze us with the surprise it has in store for all of us as with every year that has gone by.

Dec 31, 2007
I had a pretty ordinary New Year's eve as my friends were all out of town or country. I was in no mood to welcome the New Year by staying awake. So be it.. I went to sleep on my cozy (?!!!?) bed of mine at 10:14 pm sharp. And yes, the final night of 2007 passed by as I was busy dreaming in my sleep.

Jan 1, 2008
Come next day... I thought, with the New Year, everything around us gonna be new... every happening is gonna be new... Alas, my hype to the New Year was shattered. I was saying to myself that I was hoping against hope. The series of incidents that I heard/listened to left a bad taste in the mouth..... Here is what I heard
1. 27 cases of druken driving case in East Coast Road, Chennai alone.
2. 4 youth arrested for creating public nuisance in Besant Nagar, Chennai
3. 3 cases registered in Elliots Beach, Chennai and to top this all
4. Mumbai incident

It all happened on one single day..much more had happened but failed to make the news. OK, fine... what's so annoying about this? The most annoying thing is that THESE ARE ALL COMMITTED BY YOUNG, EDUCATED, EMPLOYED PEOPLE. It would be denial of truth if I do not accept that most of them belong to the beloved SOFTWARE industry.

To make my stand clear...I am not against boozing... If only all the people who have a sip of an alocoholic beverage stand up and start creating nusinace, we might have to worry abt that. That's not happening after all. Its those people who always loved to do some thing of this sorts... resort to such activities after boozing... Why? Its simple. They can claim that they were under the influence of alcohol and that made them do so.... NON-SENSE. Alcohol is not an evil spirit that gets in to you and uses your body to satisfy itself by molesting or raping an innocent girl and leave your body only for you to find yourself in an embarassing position. That might probably make a good story for a movie... not in reality.

You might call it lack of parental guidance, you might attribute it to whopping pay check, you might point out the fact that they are away from home.... but down beneath all these reasons only one stands tall..... SELF-DISCIPLINE or the LACK OF IT to be specific.

After hearing all these, the only one thing I could do was pray that 2008 instills in people some self-discipline, dignity and mutual-respect for fellow people.

God bless thy.

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