Saturday, November 22, 2008


I heard a lot about the recent law college issue.  For the uninitiated read on @

College, though not devoid of clashes between groups, I thought was fun! At least to me it was. During a period which is supposed to be a platform for people to move with others regardless of the class, caste or creed, here are our future responsible LAW people indulging in inhuman practice. Worst is that they were beating each other in the complete view of police. I do not know why the police did not act to stop the incident. It was CRAZY like Hell. Having just seen the video, I am robbed of words. I cannot write any more abt this.

Though, I heard about this incident some time in last week, the impact dawned upon me only on seeing the video of the clash. Not for the weak hearts....Video is here... 

If such is the behavior of the future lawyers then GOD BLESS INDIA! Every student must put their head down in shame. Shame on you people...SHAME ON YOU!


Anonymous said...

Lucky you are not in India. This was repeatedly played in almost all newschannels on the day of the incident.

The LAW college students, the POLICE and the POLITICIANS who have given them the orders to be mere spectators- the other face of India.

My uncle told me that the police was watching the mob in a similar way who broke our shop and the shops in the nearby areas in 1992.

Idhu thaanda Democracy!

Nextu Gaptun pada title!

Absconding said...

Did anyone stop to help the guy? Did anyone tell those people to stop beating him? Was that 'Bystander effect'? Then again..we saw many who just started beating the guy because others were doing it too.. because they had some 'power' over the helpless dude! Recall Stanford Prison Experiment!!

Sad! Let me introduce you to:


I don't know if this is politics, or democracy, or some corrupted system. But I tell you this..those are HUMANS. And humans are capable of something far worse that you and I can fathom!!

Pity!! PITY!

Bystander Effect:

Stanford Prison Experiment: