Sunday, February 24, 2008

True Innocence!

Me: Amma! It has been snowing here all day... non-stop.
Amma: (excited) Oh! how does snow fall? Does it come down like rain? Or does it fall like ice? Is it filled with ice every where? Do take the snaps and share.

Me: Maamaiyya (Mama), I am in US now! I am in Boston
M: Hey! Do you know Kumar? He is in LA. He has been there for three years now.. ask him if you need any help.
Me: Sure thing!



Arun Sundar said...

Yup. This innocence is sort of sweet. And in such situtations, when u say "sure thing!", it is all the more sweeter!

Unknown said...

akkarai a.k.a innocence.

N.V.Prashanth said...

@ Arun - Yes.. it is really sweet and i am sweet always!

@ Malathi - Let me go on the overkill and say "Like you!". Point taken.

Tys on Ice said...

know something? i hve never seen snow myself.....cud u pls answer your mother's questions? I really wud like to know...solidified cool.

N.V.Prashanth said...

hey tys... once you experience it quite often, it isn't cool any more! Snow is fun for the first 2 or 3 times... then on its a burden! As one of my friends pointed out "only if it could snow at a higher temperature..."